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Office Hours with Randall Roorda and Susan Larson

In this week’s episode of Office Hours, we spoke with Randall Roorda, a professor from the Department of English, and Susan Larson, a professor from the Department of Hispanic Studies, about their upcoming education abroad programs. Tune in to learn more about traveling to the Czech Republic and Madrid and to hear about Roorda and Larson’s own experiences in studying and traveling abroad.

A Reading & Conversation with Emily Raboteau

American Book Award winnder Emily Raboteau will read from and discuss her most recent work "Searching for Zion:  The Quest for Home in the African Diaspora"

Sponsored by African American & Africana Studies Program, English Creative Writing Program, Jewish Studies Program, and Social Theory Program.  

Niles Gallery

Pulling Back the Curtain: Discussing Dissertations with Andrea Holliger and Seth Lee

Graduate school can appear to be a mystifying process with a seemingly endless row of hoops to jump through, such as applying, studying, researching, and writing a dissertation of your own. The English Department is helping to give us a peek behind the curtain of graduate school as we speak to Andrea Holliger and Seth Lee, two English graduate students. In this interview, Holliger and Lee discuss their experiences, tips, and tricks regarding graduate school, research, and writing dissertations.

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