Sarah Lyon Acting Chair of English
An Anthropologist by training, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement, Sarah Lyon, currently serves as the Acting Chair of English.
Crystal Wilkinson Bush-Holbrook Endowed Professor Director of Creative Writing Division
Crystal Wilkinson is the award-winning author of Praisesong for the Kitchen Ghosts, a culinary memoir, Perfect Black, The Birds of Opulence and other acclaimed novels. A former Kentucky Poet Laureate, she is the recipient of an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Poetry, an O. Henry Prize, and a USA Artists Fellowship. Raised in Kentucky, Wilkinson is an affiliate of the Appalachian Studies and African American and Africana Studies Programs.
Andy Doolen Director of Literature Division
Professor Andy Doolen is the author of the forthcoming book White Indian: The Life and Assassination of John Dunn Hunter as well as Territories of Empire: U.S. Writing from the Louisiana Purchase to Mexican Independence and Fugitive Empire: Locating Early American Imperialism. Prior to serving as Director of the Literature Division, Doolen directed the U.S. Cultures and Business Practices major, the Committee on Social Theory, and Graduate Studies in the Department of English. He is a scholar of literature and 18th and 19th century cultures of U.S. empire and settler colonialism.
Matthew Giancarlo Director of Graduate Studies, Literature and Film
Andrew Milward Director of Creative Writing MFA
Matthew Godbey Director of Undergraduate Studies, Literature and Film
Shauna M. Morgan Director of Undergraduate Studies, Creative Writing