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UK Art Museum Panel Discussion

UK Art Museum
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Frank X Walker

PANEL DISCUSSION: It’s Complicated: Championing “Self-taught” Artists 

Thursday, October 13, 2022 

6:30 – 8 pm 

Recital Hall, Singletary Center for the Arts 


This panel is organized in conjunction with our exhibitions featuring Charles Williams, James "Son Ford" Thomas, and David Farris. For the most part, these artists were/are self-taught, with little or no formal training, or they come to artmaking from another discipline. 


How are such artists understood, critically assessed, and contextualized in artworld frameworks? How does race, sexual identity, and other factors further complicate these considerations? 


Director Stuart Horodner will moderate a discussion with artist and curator Jonathan Berger, artist and poet Frank X Walker, and art historian Miriam Kienle.