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Teaching (with) Writing in the Age of AI

On Zoom
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Trey Conatser, CELT

Description: Since late last year, the conversation around AI-based writing tools such as ChatGPT has grown in volume and concern over the implications for authorship, intellectual agency, the learning process, and academic integrity in educational contexts. This open forum will consider AI-based writing tools in the context of how and to what ends we assign writing-based assessments in our courses and in the unique disciplinary contexts of Creative Writing, Film, and Literature. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions, ideas, and experiences to the discussion. 

The forum will address issues such as:

•    the nature and capabilities of AI-based writing tools (particularly in relation to writing-based assignments in English courses)

•    conveying expectations for and cultivating students' understanding of academic integrity and related issues

•    assignment design for authentic, engaged, and reflective writing

•    the future and purposes for writing-based assessment in English courses

Overall, the spirit of the forum will be (1) to consider the practical implications of new (automated) writing technologies and (2) to (re)assess and (re)envision how writing enables learning and knowledge-making in our fields and in the world.

Zoom Link: