Chellgren Center Names Three New Endowed A&S Professors
Janet Eldred, Michael Kovash, and Carl Lee are the three newest endowed professors at the Chellgren Center
Janet Eldred, Michael Kovash, and Carl Lee are the three newest endowed professors at the Chellgren Center
In the second semester of his senior year, University of Kentucky undergraduate Jeremy Puckett is attempting an accomplishment normally undertaken by professors — publishing a book.
English Professor interviewed on Lexington's Groovin 1580AM about Community Conversations Series
Gaines Fellow Catherine Brereton's knitting project hopes to bring Lexington's LGBT community together.
Craig Saper Associate Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture, University of Maryland Baltimore County "A 'Top 20 Plan' For Writing, Part 5: Learn To Read Online Visually "
Nikky Finney, creative writing professor at UK and winner of the National Book Award for poetry for her book "Head Off & Split."
Nikky Finney, creative writing professor at UK and finalist for the National Book Award for poetry for her book "Head Off & Split" is this week's gues on WUKY's "UK Perspectives."
Join English professor and Director of UK's African American and Africana Studies Program Frank X Walker for an adult ride and membership drive to support Lexington's Isaac Murphy Bicycle Club this Sunday.
Have you sent an email, written a text, or posted on a social media site today? If you have, then you have communicated via the medium of a screen. From the way televisions have shaped family dynamics in the home, to the way cell phones and computers have influenced grammar and penmanship, the screen pervades our ways of communicating. Joshua Abboud will address the interrelationship between the screen and writing in "Screen/Writing" (WRD 205/ENG 305), one of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Media's groundbreaking course offerings for Spring 2012.
Did you know that there is a new certificate in the works for Peace Studies? Beth Connors-Manke is teaching "Rhetorics of Violence and Non-Violence" (WRD 205/ENG 205) in Spring 2012, and it will be a component of that certification program. The class is one of Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Media's groundbreaking course offerings for Spring 2012.
This podcast was produced by Cheyenne Hohman.