I want to invite you all to an EGSO Grad Talk event that focuses on the topic of “Forming Committees, Navigating Committee Dynamics, and Preparing for Exams and Writing”
The talk will be Wednesday, April 17 at 2:30pm, in POT 1245. In addition to the event being in-person, a Zoom link will be sent out in a reminder email closer to the day of. I’ll also take notes of general themes/advice (leaving out identifying details, etc.) to share with anyone who was unable to attend and would like notes.
This event is for all MAs, MFAs, and PhDs who are working on forming committees and getting ready for exams and writing, so we’d love to have speakers from each program! If you’re available at this time and interested in participating and sharing your experiences forming your committee, etc., please feel free to shoot me an email!