West 6th
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Six TRUE Ghost Stories
Hey, y'all! I host The Horse's Mouth Storytelling Night, which is our long-running monthly storytelling night here in Lexington. Last month, we finally restarted after a long Covid break! Each month features six *true* stories (10-minutes each) told around a single theme. If you're a fan of The Moth, then you have a good idea of what we do. Horse'sMouthis held in the barrel room at West 6th on Sunday, October 23 from 7-8.
This month's theme is "Ghost," which (as with all of our themes) can be interpreted as broadly as the storyteller wishes!
We have ONE space available for a storyteller this month, so let me know if you might be interested in telling a true story about ghosts, ghosting, or other ghostly matters. It's a great community of live-story fans! Over the years, we've had several MFA students and faculty tell stories and it's always a hit!
I'm attaching a flyer for our event this month, as well as a link to our Facebook page here:
For anyone who might be interested or want more information, our email address is
Dr. Jenny Rice
Professor, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, Digital Studies
University of Kentucky