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Graduate Student Lunch and informal Discussion

The Commonwealth House of the Gaines Center (232 E. Maxwell St.)
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Dr. Tara Bynum (University of Iowa), Dr. Brigitte Fielder (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Dr. Cassander Smith (University of Alabama)

Dear Grads,

I'm very pleased to invite you to a lunch and informal discussion with our three visiting speakers next week! 

Who: interested grad students -- with visiting speakers Dr. Tara Bynum (University of Iowa), Dr. Brigitte Fielder (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and Dr. Cassander Smith (University of Alabama) 

What: Lunch will be catered by Athenian Grill (thanks to the generosity of our co-sponsors), and topics for discussion will include publishing/editing, job markets, and the state of early American / African American studies. 

Where: The Commonwealth House of the Gaines Center (232 E. Maxwell St.)

When: Fri., Feb. 3, from 12-1:30

How: Please RSVP here no later than Tues. Jan. 31 at noon; the first 20 students to respond will receive a copy of the special issue of Early American Literature that our three speakers co-edited on Phillis Wheatley! (Please see Kristen Pickett for your copy.)

This lunch, and the larger panel and reception later that afternoon ("Phillis Wheatley at 250: The Pasts and Futures of Reading and Writing #BlackJoy") are sponsored by English, the College of A&S, the Commonwealth Institute for Black Studies, the Center for Graduate and Professional Diversity Initiatives, African American and Africana Studies, and History. 

We hope you can make it!




Dr. Jill Rappoport

Chair, English Department  

College of Arts and Sciences 

University of Kentucky 

Pronouns: she/her/hers