FALL 2025
T 2:00-4:30 PM
Matt Giancarlo
Course description forthcoming.
ENG 570 001 SELECTED TOPICS: Subtitle forthcoming
T 2:00- 4:30
Andy Doolen
Course description forthcoming.
ENG 607 001 GRAD WRTNG WKSHP: SCreative Nonfiction
DaMaris Hill
This Graduate MFA Nonfiction Writers Workshop is a creative writing workshop and course that explores literary nonfiction writing, including memoir, essay, autobiography, etc. The course will also challenge students to critique and create nonfiction writing. This course will introduce to some and reintroduce to others the various elements and techniques associated with nonfiction writing. The course will explore the different narrative theories that are evident in traditional and contemporary nonfiction. Therefore, many contemporary writers and canonical authors will be discussed. Our class meetings will consider how our aesthetic choices generate feelings of nostalgia and collective memory in our writing. Traditional and innovative nonfiction narrative forms are welcome.
ENG 607 002 GRAD WRTNG WKSHP: Poetry
M 2:00-4:30
Julia Johnson
Course description forthcoming.
ENG 607 003 GRAD WRTNG WKSHP: Fiction
T 2:00-4:30
Hannah Pittard
This is a graduate-level workshop in the art of short fiction. It is also an atypical workshop. Students in this class will respond to course-specific writing prompts only. In other words, this is not a “write what you want” workshop. The assigned prompts are designed to stretch artistic muscles, push writers beyond their current comfort zones, and hone skills at the line level. Enrollment is limited to current MFA students and/or by permission of Prof Pittard.
ENG 608 001 THE CRAFT OF WRITING: Ekphrastic Writing
M 5:00-7:30
Erik Reece
Course description forthcoming.
ENG 622 001 Studies in Renaissance Literature: 1500-1660
R 2:00-4:30
Emily Shortslef
Course description forthcoming.
ENG 730 001 Sem 18th Century Lit
T 5:00-7:30
Lisa Zunshine
Course description forthcoming.
ENG 771 001 Seminar in Special Topics: Subtitle forthcoming
R 5:00-7:30
Shauna Morgan
Course description forthcoming.