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Fall Courses


Fall 2024 Courses


ENG 100-001
T 11:00 - 11:50
Matt Godbey

This course serves as an orientation to the benefits and requirements of majoring in English. You will learn about multiple fields, including American literature, African American literature, British literature, Creative Writing, and Film. You will meet professors, learn how to earn honors and do internships in English, hear about fellowships and study abroad opportunities, and discover different careers for English majors. You will get to know fellow English majors and have the chance to get involved with extra-curricular activities in the English Department. In addition to providing practical know-how, this class raises philosophical and conceptual questions for our consideration and discussion throughout the semester. How can you make the most of your college experience? Why is it important to study language, literature, and the humanities? How will the English major prepare you for life and a career in the 21st century? This class will put you on a track to excel and get the most out of your major. 1 credit hour Pass/Fail.

ENG 107 001-004
MW 8:00, F varies 
Janet Eldred

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 107 004-008
MW 1:00, F varies 
Frank X Walker

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 107 009
TR 8:00
John Duncan

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 107 010-013
MW 9:00, F varies 
Michael Carter

This introductory course in creative writing will explore the various genre: we will play with poetry, fiddle with fiction and nonfiction, as well as grace our souls with other genre. The class will read and discuss literature in various delightful forms to help us understand technique and voice, and practice writing and critiquing our own writing. We will often work in small groups (depending on the number enrolled) as a workshopping method for finding our voices as writers, and for helping our classmates find theirs. By the semester’s end, we will have a mini portfolio of writing. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 107 014
TR 12:30
Julia Johnson

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 107
015 MWF 10:00
015 MWF 11:00
Instructor TBD

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 130 001
LITERARY ENCOUNTS: Tales of Villainy
MWF 10:00
Michael Genovese

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 130 002 
LITERARY ENCOUNTS: Banned Books: From Mid-19th Century to Today
MWF 12:00
Michael Carter

Why are school districts and some parents afraid of Harry Potter, Huckleberry Finn or others? Why are certain works and their characters’ words either avoided or expurgated to gain admittance into the corridors of high schools and libraries? This course will read these works and examine the historical and cultural reasons for the books’ being challenged in the past or today. Poems such as Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass” and Ginsberg’s “Howl” have rallied opponents to suppress their inclusion in anthologies. We’ll try to redeem or reject these texts through close readings and research into the complaints about the books and into the themes of the texts. Coursework will include readings and two 5-7 creative fiction pieces, one collaborative project, as well as shorter writing assignments. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 130 004
TR 9:30
Joyce MacDonald

Everybody loves a wedding, but after we brush away the rose petals and empty the rice out of our shoes, we’ve still got to figure out how we’re going to manage our lives together. This section of ENG 130 will look at some plays, movies, and novels that explore the ways in which our practical need for money and the independence and safety it can bring can complicate or even deny our desire to let go and let ourselves fall in love. We’ll read two novels—Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility and the anonymous The Woman of Colour—along with two plays, Aphra Behn’s The Rover and Thomas Middleton’s Chaste Maid in Cheapside, and two films, The Heiress and Baby Face. Is there any way to have both our heart’s desire and a roof over our heads?

ENG 130 
LITERARY ENCOUNTS: Breaking the Rules
201 TR 9:30 Online Synchronous
202 TR 11:00 Online Synchronous
John Duncan

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 130 203 
LITERARY ENCOUNTS: Journeys                        
Roslyn Fleming

Course description forthcoming. This course fulfills the UK Core requirement for Intellectual Inquiry in Arts & Creativity.

ENG 142 001
Emily Shortslef

Course description forthcoming. UK Core: Global Dynamics OR Intellectual Inquiry in the Humanities

ENG 168 001 / AAS 168 001
TR 2:00
Geronimo Sarmiento Cruz

Course description forthcoming. UK Core: Intellectual Inquiry Arts & Creativity OR Community, Culture and Citizenship in US

ENG 180 001-003
GREAT MOVIES: Science Fiction
MW 12:00, F varies
Frederick Bengtsson

Course description forthcoming. UK Core: Arts & Creativity

ENG 180 005
GREAT MOVIES: Transformive Tech
Pearl James  

In this Arts and Creativity class, students will make their own individual and group films and will learn to critique each others' work and use peer criticism to improve their work. For inspiration, we will turn to films that emerge from or portray innovative moments in film history, when filmmakers have exploited old technologies in new ways or adapted brand new technologies in cinematic art. We will learn about and how to use various formal cinematic elements (cinematography, sound, mise-en-scène, CGI, editing) to tell stories. We will consider several examples that make interesting use of sound (Singin’ in the Rain, The Artist), different film stock (Wizard of Oz and others), the use of mobile cameras (early examples plus The Gleaners and I, The Blair Witch Project), and editing (Psycho, Jurassic Punk) as we learn to use such techniques in our own work. UK Core: Arts & Creativity

ENG 180
GREAT MOVIES: On Art and Artists
007 TR 2:00 In-Person
202 TR 9:30 Online Synchronous
Alex Gergely

Course description forthcoming. UK Core: Arts & Creativity

ENG 180 201
GREAT MOVIES: Race on Screen
TR 8:00
Martin Aagaard Jensen

Course description forthcoming. UK Core: Arts & Creativity
ENG 180
GREAT MOVIES: Southern Stories
203 TR 11:00 Online Synchronous
204 TR 12:30 Online Synchronous
B Bailey
Course description forthcoming. UK Core: Arts & Creativity
ENG 191 001
MWF 9:00
Martin Jensen